Mad Max meets Burning Man & Dune...

Dramatic, Erotic, Post Apocalyptic - and even Acrobatic!

Shooting on location is a great creative opportunity and challenge. Bringing a team of creatives together allows you to elevate your work and create on a larger scale.

In this Masterclass program Matt shoots with 6 diverse models across 5 different lcations in the Nevada Desert. You will learn how to plan and execute explicit conceptual art nudes, from start to finish.

This course takes you much deeper into the process than any of my previous courses. You join me 2 weeks before the shoot, and observe the entire planning process, from finding models, buying outfits, scouting locations, planning shots - through to the complete shoot and the editing process.

Nothing is held back - you we learn the entire process and learn all you need to execute large scale group nudes on location.


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You will learn how to...

  • Complete Planning Process

    From finding models, to buying outfits. Scouting locations and organizing timelines - this comprehensive program covers the entire planning process - from 2 weeks prior, all the way through to completion.

  • Work with models

    In this program I work with 6 different models across three shoots. One shoot is a couple and the other two have 4 models each. Shooting multiple models at once requires elevated planning and clear communication and direction.

    Small adjustments and variations have a big result on the final image.

  • Edit Creatively

    The final step to creating a beautiful photograph is editing. In this series Matt edits images from each shoot in real time, showing you the complete process to finalise the image.

    You get access to sample files as well editing presets to use in your own workflow.

Go beyond the ordinary 🤩

Create Conceptual Art Nudes with impact

With attention to detail in terms of your settings, angles, posing and position of light and shadow - you can start making nice art nude images reasonably quickly. 

But let's aim for more than "nice". Let's create something really special. Let's include multiple models and set out with a clear concept for our images.

This course is my most complete start to finish program ever. You will learn how to:

- Plan every aspect - from travel, to bookings, models, locations, equipment and more.

- Create striking contrast, and use shadows to reveal and conceal to adjust how explicit the final images are

- Use body paint, smoke grenades and other props to add movement and visual interest to your images

- Create dramatic images that highlight muscle definition and curvature

- Work with distinct locations to create an overall scene and theme for your images

- Create vastly different images by adapting to prevailing light conditions, and where necessary, adding on camera fill flash

- Communicate a concept with your model, and easily direct them to execute interesting poses 

Creative Nude Portraiture

Post Apocalyptic, Dramatic and intense

I have been visiting the Nevada desert for the past 15 years, and inspired by the landscapes and old ghost towns, I  set out to create a series of images with the theme of Post Apocalyptic, Wild Desert and Sculptural art nudes

To create this series, I knew I would need a team of models, some incredible locations and a huge range of props and accessories.

Bringing this all together in a short time frame meant putting a lot of time into planning and organizing. So for this course, rather than dropping you in at the start of the shoot day - I bring you along for the entire fortnight of planning before I step on the plane to head to Nevada.

Over the planning process I scout a series of locations, and discuss with you my decision making process and how I came to settle on five distinct locations and shoot concepts.

We shoot:

- In a dry lake bed, with a male and female duo creating an array of sensual acrobatic images. These poses are dramatic and at times erotic, but surprisingly simple to execute.

- At an abandoned factory, set against a jaw dropping mountain range

- With the ruins of a crashed plane

- At an amazing concrete complex in suburban Las Vegas

- With a decades old rusted out truck

- Using a range of focal lengths from 85mm telephoto to a 14mm ultra wide angle

- With male and female models, with a variety of body types and shapes.

- Outdoors in nature, placing the human form among the natural environment.

- Using a minimal kit - mostly a single camera and  lens making use of the available light; sometimes adding on camera flash

- From abstract and implied (social media friendly) images to erotic and explicit images.

The package includes raw image files, a brand new set of editing presets and a PDF list of all equipment and outfits used.


From abandoned factories to ghost towns, dry lake to the suburbs

This 7+ hour program takes you through a series of shooting situations that broad cross section of creative and technical challenges. Matt shows you how to get dramatic results by working with and modifying the available light, as well as creating dramatic shadow patterns.

The lessons are brought to life with 6 fantastic models. Steph and acrobat Joshua are shot in a dry lake bed, in a variety of sensual and dynamic poses.

Steph is then joined by two other females and a different male model for a series of dramatic, post apocalyptic themed images shot around abandoned buildings and vehicles.

Finally, another group of four models, including Steph, Joseph and a retired dancer, take on a series of dramatic sculptural images at a unique concrete installation in suburban Las Vegas.
  • 7+ hours of 4K video

    This comprehensive program goes beyond simple fly on the wall filming. Step by step instruction of the how and why, including before and after images is demonstrated.

  • Start to Finish

    Learn how to bring all the different elements together for a successful shoot, and how to process the images to their final state.

  • Bonus Downloads

    The program includes 12 high resolution RAW files and editing presets to work with. You also get a PDF guide with links to all the equipment and accessories used.

Student Reviews

What photographers said about Matt's previous courses

What makes Matt stand apart from others is the clear way in which he communicates the essence of the poses, the process, the equipment to use, and the art of the resulting photographs.

Max, San Francisco.

The Hotel Photoshoot was awesome!  The “fly on the wall” format was very educational to see how you interacted with the model.  I also appreciated how interactive you are with the model-she had some great input on the creative aspects of the shoot.  This is a great course for photographers, as well as  models who want to improve their posing.

Jon, Toronto.

This is a very well set out course. I like the rapport between you and the model as it shows how a shoot can be relaxed and professional. The different options shown with regard to focal length and aperture was also very helpful. Good job.

Saalik, Western Australia

Matt is an excellent teacher, starting the lessons from the basics and building to advanced. 

Cliff, Philadelphia.

Your video series was amazing and really help me understand how to respect and make the model feel comfortable. I now also feel more confident with lighting. 

Johnie - New York

Matt provides unconditional access to the studio and the models whilst stepping us through his successful methods and processes to getting the best results in camera. Truly tip top and educational photographic fun!

Connor, Oslo.


  • Are the shoots all new, or recycled?

    This program is 100% brand new content. We shot this in April 2024 specifically to make this course.

    Everything you get in this course is brand new.

  • What exactly is included?

    The course consists of over 5 hours of 4k video that you can stream via the website, or download each file to your device to watch offline.

    You also get a collection of RAW files to work on, and a equipment and outfit list with links so you can check them out for your own shoots.

  • When Can I view the videos?

    The course is now live! You can instantly stream or download all of the files after purchase.

  • Does it include full nudity?

    Yes, the course has video and stills of both female and male nudity. It is intended as educational content.
    Working with a range of models means adapting and accommodating their individual limitations. 99% of the time I can manage that in stills by controlling the poses and angles.
    Occasionally this becomes an issue when filming multi-camera video. In the event that we need to use a camera angle for teaching purposes that shows more than the model is comfortable with, we add a very small blur for modesty that should not interrupt the viewing experience.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • Download and Navigation

  • 2

    Planning & Pre Production

    • Part 1

    • Part 2

    • Part 3

  • 3

    Location Scouting

    • Location Scouting 1

    • Location Scouting 2

  • 4

    Shoot day - Final Preparations

    • Shoot day preparations

  • 5

    Abandoned Factory Shoot

    • Part 1

    • Part 2

    • Part 3

    • Part 4

    • Part 5

    • Part 6

    • Part 7

  • 6

    Crashed Plane Shoot

    • Part 1

    • Part 2

  • 7

    Ghost Town

    • Car ruins

  • 8

    Dry Lake Acrobatics

    • Part 1

    • Part 2

    • Part 3

    • Part 4

    • Part 5

    • Part 6

    • Part 7

  • 9

    Smoke Grenade Tutorial

    • Safety Tips pt1

    • Safety Tips pt2

  • 10

    Concrete Jungle

    • Part 1

    • Part 2

    • Part 3

    • Part 4

    • Part 5

    • Part 6

  • 11

    Editing 💻

    • Photo editing 1

    • Photo editing 2

    • Photo editing 3

    • Photo editing 4

    • Photo editing 5

    • Photo editing 6

    • Photo editing 7

    • Photo editing 8

    • Photo editing 9

    • Photo editing 10

    • Photo editing 11

    • Photo editing 12

  • 12

    Overall Debrief

    • Debrief pt1

    • Debrief pt2

  • 13

    Shoot Conclusion

    • Conclusion

  • 14

    Downloads ⬇️

    • Equipment & Accessory Guide

    • Location Guide

    • Sample Images

    • Editing Presets

Free Start to Finish Lingerie shoot

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